Human Polymorphic Inversion DataBase
  •   Inversion Report: HsInv1049

  General information
Accession HsInv1049 Region of the inversion chr15:28157404-30687000
Status Validated Prediction type Simple
Estimated Inversion Size 2,032,350 bp Supporting predictions 1
Inverted allele frequency 0.2037 Mechanism of origin NAHR
Functional effect Intergenic breakpoints Breakpoint 1 chr15:28157404-28697597
Ancestral orientation Standard Breakpoint 2 chr15:30232700-30687000
Complex region including five structural configurations as a result of human-specific expansions of segmental duplications and two independent inversion events related to palindromic GOLGA8 core duplicons
- Region map
+ Predictions
+ Validation and genotyping
- Frequency

+ Africa (AFR)
+ Europe (EUR)
+ East Asia (EAS)
+ Breakpoints
+ Evolutionary history
+ Functional effects
+ Report history