Human Polymorphic Inversion DataBase
  •   Inversion Report: HsInv0379

  General information
Accession HsInv0379 Region of the inversion chr19:21621973-22037101
Status Validated Prediction type Simple
Estimated Inversion Size 415,128 bp Supporting predictions 1
Inverted allele frequency 0.0114 Mechanism of origin NHEJ
Functional effect Breaks one gene Breakpoint 1 chr19:21621973^21621974
Ancestral orientation Standard Breakpoint 2 chr19:22037100^22037101
Asian-specific inversion that disrupts the ZNF257 gene and creates a new fusion transcript
- Region map
+ Predictions
+ Validation and genotyping
- Frequency

+ Africa (AFR)
+ Europe (EUR)
+ South Asia (SAS)
+ East Asia (EAS)
+ America - Admixed (AMR)
+ Unknown
+ Breakpoints
+ Evolutionary history
+ Functional effects
+ Report history