- Search inversions
Name | Position (hg18) | Estimated Inversion size (bp) | Status | Global frequency | Functional effect |
HsInv1368 | chr17:37792685-37803563 | 879 | Validated | ND | Intergenic breakpoints |
HsInv0573 | chr17:40928985-42139672 | 835,409 | Validated | 0.0737 | Intergenic breakpoints |
HsInv0184 | chr17:38734460-38757180 | 21,687 | Predicted | ND | Breaks one gene |
HsInv0183 | chr17:38736559-38819751 | 82,043 | Predicted | ND | Breaks one gene |
HsInv0033 | chr17:40565329-40567635 | 1,735 | Predicted | ND | Inverts a region within an intron of a gene |
Hosted by the Comparative and Functional Genomics group at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Contact us at invfestdb@uab.cat