Human Polymorphic Inversion DataBase
  •   Inversion Report: HsInv1122

  General information
Accession HsInv1122 Region of the inversion chr3:164008437-164030349
Status Validated Prediction type Complex
Estimated Inversion Size 12,096 bp Supporting predictions 6
Inverted allele frequency 0.2945 Mechanism of origin FoSTeS
Functional effect Intergenic breakpoints Breakpoint 1 chr3:164008437-164028058
Ancestral orientation Standard Breakpoint 2 chr3:164030336-164030349
Region comprises 3 different alleles: a 114.2 kb deletion removing the entire inversion region, the ancestral orientation and the derived orientation with the inversion. The derived allele includes two deletions of 19.6 kb and 14 bp flanking the inverted region (which make that some of the predictions are not consistent).
- Region map
+ Predictions
+ Validation and genotyping
- Frequency

+ Africa (AFR)
+ Europe (EUR)
+ East Asia (EAS)
+ Unknown
+ Breakpoints
+ Evolutionary history
+ Functional effects
+ Report history