- Search inversions
Name | Position (hg18) | Estimated Inversion size (bp) | Status | Global frequency | Functional effect |
HsInv0573 | chr17:40928985-42139672 | 835,409 | Validated | 0.0737 | Intergenic breakpoints |
HsInv1809 | chr17:71684392-71695903 | 1,512 | Validated | ND | Inverts a region within an intron of a gene |
HsInv1371 | chr17:74353323-74364471 | 1,149 | Validated | ND | Intergenic breakpoints |
HsInv1369 | chr17:42699240-42725009 | 15,770 | Predicted | ND | Inverts a region within an intron of a gene |
HsInv1370 | chr17:48279631-48295856 | 6,226 | Predicted | ND | Intergenic breakpoints |
HsInv0371 | chr17:55465239-55554129 | 80,469 | Predicted | ND | Intergenic breakpoints |
HsInv1086 | chr17:56721572-56755072 | 9,475 | Predicted | ND | Inverts a region within an intron of a gene |
HsInv0035 | chr17:57999876-58000526 | 477 | Predicted | ND | Inverts a region within an intron of a gene |
HsInv1372 | chr17:76079018-76092857 | 3,840 | Predicted | ND | Intergenic breakpoints |
HsInv0570 | chr17:43047027-43104110 | 32,035 | Unreliable prediction | ND | Intergenic breakpoints |
HsInv1011 | chr17:75862696-75870345 | 6,668 | Unreliable prediction | ND | Inverts a region within an intron of a gene |
HsInv0794 | chr17:78323394-78357436 | 28,165 | Unreliable prediction | ND | Inverts different exons and introns of a gene |
HsInv0034 | chr17:55551838-55557395 | 3,558 | False | NA | NA |
Hosted by the Comparative and Functional Genomics group at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Contact us at invfestdb@uab.cat